• Antique MinGuo Children Cap, Miao Culture, Southern China, post 1912

    (3 images )
  • Antique MinGuo Children Cap, Miao Culture, Southern China, post 1912

    (3 images )
  • Antique MinGuo Children Cap, Miao Culture, Southern China, post 1912

    (3 images )

LOT 151: Antique MinGuo Children Cap, Miao Culture, Southern China, post 1912

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December 18, 2016, 4:00 pm

MinGuo Childrens Cap, Miao Culture, Southern China, post Qing Dynasty 1644-1912 AD Front embroidered with eight copper Buddha images, floral copper decorations on the sides, embroidery with smaller copper applications in the upper part of the cap, Expected old signs of use and wear. Dimensions: 9,6 x 10,4 in. D

MinGuo Kindermütze, Miao Kultur, Südchina, nach 1912

Minguo Kindermütze, Miao Kultur, Südchina, nach der Quing Dynastie 1644 bis 1912 nach Chr. Vorne mit acht Kupferbuddhas bestickt, seitlich florale Kupferarbeiten, Stickereien mit kleinen Kupferapplikationen im oberem Teil der Mütze. Altersgemäße Gebrauchsspuren. Masse: 25,0 x 26,0 cm D

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