This item is a collection of eight (8) quick reference genuine replacement parts catalogs for Rolls-Royce and Bentley motorcars. The titles are
as follows:
- Exhaust 1955-1978 including PV & VI
- Exhaust 1965-1989
- Damperslshock 1965-1995
- Wiper Components 1965-1989Drive hits 1955-1989
- Hydraulic Components RR363 1965-1980
- Hydraulic Components Mineral Oil 1980-1995
- Brake Shoes, Pads 8| Discs 1955-1989
- Carburetter and Injection & 1955-1989
These quick reference catalogs were produced by Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited and are an incredibly useful tool in a repair shop. These
catalogs could save a great deal of time in estimating repair costs. They are written in such a way that you can match chassis numberto
pictures to part numbers and they are broken domn by Rolls-Royce and Bentley. The test is written in eight different languages. . These catalogs are new and in excellent condition. This Item has been once sold from the Cal West Collection
All items will be shipped from Switzerland except item No. 179