• Leather Picknick Trunk

    (4 images )
  • Leather Picknick Trunk

    (4 images )
  • Leather Picknick Trunk

    (4 images )
  • Leather Picknick Trunk

    (4 images )

LOT 107: Leather Picknick Trunk

Seller's estimate :
CHF1500 / CHF4000

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Grosser Leder Picnick- Koffer, komplett ausgestattet. Silber Besteck. In sehr gutem Zustand. 78cm breit, 25cm hoch, 47cm tief. Leather Picknick Trunk with the complete equipment. Silver cuttlery. In very nice condition. 30¾in wide, 10in high, 18½in deep.Ohne Limit/ No Reserve

The Auction house does not provide any shipping, packing or insurance. But we will be glad to propose professional shippers for each location.

Vorbesichtigung / Preview Sonntag 26. Mai 10.00 � 17.00 Donnerstag 30. Mai 10.00 � 17.00 Freitag 31. Mai 10.00 � 17.00 Samstag 1. June 10.00 � 14.00

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Degersheim , Mai/Juni 2019


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Degersheim , May/June 2019



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  +41 (0)71 – 370 03 05
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The Swiss Auction Company and Retonio gallery started with auctions in 1982. Our CEO - Retonio Breitenmoser- is since 25 years the auctioneer for the classic car auctions of the oldtimer galerie in Toffen, Switzerland. We have organized auction in Switzerland, Germany, France, USA, Luxembourg.

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