FENCO Monkey Automaton, with a probably Phalibois monkey. Electromechanical puppet automaton, showing a monkey at the table with its arms, mouth and eyes movin via the mechanism in the base. Unrestored in original condition, sold as a restoration object. Verso engraved brass plaque "FENCO - The Fife Engineering Co. Ltd., Elie, Scotland". CH, DF
"FENCO" Puppenautomat Monkey, Affe am Tisch FENCO Monkey, mit einem beweglichen Affen, wohl Phalibois. Elektromechanischer Puppenautomat, einen Affen am Tisch darstellend. Arme, Mund und Augen bewegen sich über Mechanik im Sockel. Unrestaurierter Originalzustand, Restaurationsobjekt, verso gravierte Messingplakette "FENCO - The Fife Engineering Co. Ltd., Elie, Scotland". CH, DF
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