Angelus Player Piano, unrestored in original condition, sold as restoration object. obviously complete in ebonized case.
Dimensions: 52,2 x 62,2 x 29,5 in.
During the early 20th century, many piano manufacturers had their own special type of player piano mechanisms which were designed and built to each makers specifications. The Angelus was a prominent brand of player piano built for the Wilcox White Piano Organ Company of Meridian.
Angelus Player Piano als Restaurationsobjekt in unberührtem Originalzustand.
Angelus Player Piano, selbstspielendes Klavier. Ebonisiertes Gehäuse, unrestauriert im Originalzustand, augenscheinlich komplett. Die Marke Angelus wurde speziell für die Wilcox White Piano Organ Company of Meridian, CT, U.S.A. anfangs des 20. Jhd. produziert.
Masse: 131,0 x 156,0 x 74,0 cm
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